Third full day sailing, autopilot replacement and some fog

Mon 20 Jun 2016 12:00
Position at 12:00 UTC 20 June 2016: 42:47.58 N 021:22.18 W
Day distance 131 miles
True Wind 16 knots , from SW, Sea calm. We just had three hours of fog (vis 100-500 m). Speed 5.5 knots. COG 048, engine on. This morning our 24 year old autopilot drive finally gave up with a sad noise. The spare we had bought, as we saw it coming, was fitted within an hour. Just crimping the connectors and replacing the unit. All ok. It looks like the old one already had problems for a week as the new one drives the rudder must quicker. For the next three days little wind is expected, so we will use the engine frequently. The weatherwindow still looks OK. We are looking forward to Falmouth. 810 miles to go.