More wind, then less wind

Position at 11:00 UTC 15 February 2016
04:00.23 S 027:42.25 W day distance
131 Nm
Winds 5 - 10 knots (yesterday gusty to 20) , from the EastSouthEast. Speed 3-5 knots. COG 290 , Spinnaker is up since 54 hours but had to take it down yesterday in 20 knot gusts. Maybe I will put it up again today, depending on the Grib of today. Last night saw two distant lightning flashes, maybe 100 miles away? The ITC is getting closer but maybe still 300-500 miles before I reach the NE trades. Still lucky as the ITC moved north while I was approaching, gave me three more days with reasonable winds. I intend to sail as much as i can. Bonus of today: 131 nm without engine (the Honda generator works excellent for topping up batteries). No birds last night gossiping, no fish either.
PS: do not worry if I miss a position report. Yesterday had some problems making a connection. it can happen easily.