46:43.65N 02:20.75W

Tue 19 Jun 2007 19:57
Saturday 16th June. Continued our stay at Pornichet. Henry and Charles
explored La Baule, while Martin took the bus to Guerande, a medieval walled
town a few kilometres from La Baule.
Decided against crossing to Pornic, in the face of a very poor forecast for
Sunday, and so remained at Pornichet for another day. Charles by bus to St
Nazaire, Henry and Martin onboard doing various jobs.
Charles ashore at 0800 on Monday, off to catch the TGV to Paris , and on
home.Henry and Martin set sail for Ile d'Yeu in a WSW force 3.The wind
gradually backed through south to SSE, forcing us to motor for several
hours,but we started and finished under sail, reaching the marina at Port
Joinville at 1620. Ashore to buy fish for supper, and then invited onboard
Cupid ( Chris Perkins, RCC ) for drinks as we made our way back.Cornish
crew, with the yacht based at Mylor.
Tuesday at Ile d'Yeu exploring the island by bicycle in glorious sunshine and having a convivial lunch at Port de La Meule with a neighbouring French couple. Then on to the Citadel and a visit to the grave of Marachel Petain whose remains are buried orientated to the West away from France in disgrace on the orders of Charles de Gaulle!
Another convivial evening followed with the crew of Cupid onboard Spellbinder. More gale warnings on Navtex for Wednesday.