26:09.73N 17:34.52W

Tim Kelsey
Mon 16 Nov 2009 17:12
Strange night last night. Although the sky was
clear, albeit moonless, the horizon was devilishly difficult to make out. It
wasn't fog - more a gentle soupiness. Anyway, on went the radar to reveal no
other vessels. At all. All night. Comfortably the most boring night watch I've
been on for a while, which is fine by me.
It's now coming up to 4.30pm on Monday 16th and
we've covered about 320 miles. We could have done with this being
nearer the 400 mark, but the wind remains frustratingly elusive (although we're
under sail now and doing about 5.5 knots). In terms of our position, for the
layperson, we are down quite a bit from the Canaries, to the left of
Morocco-cum-Mauritania. For the organisers of the Blue Water Rally, we are
"right at the back of the field". As I keep saying, it's not a race (unless we
start winning, in which case medals need to be struck in our honour and the
barmen in Antigua's English Harbour should start renaming their
After a day of glorious sunshine (and sunbathing),
we've now spotted what appears to be a mean little squall - or a
squall-like ball of weather - off our starboard bow. Captain K is taking no
chances and sticking a reef in the main as I write. More importantly, the
fishing line's been reeled in - with nothing on the end of it. I suggest running
up the spinnaker. Captain K does not find this funny.
Colin is making chili con carne for tonight's
supper, which needs to be ready by 6ish as it's pitch black after that in this
part of the world. He's tossing in a little extra bacon to turn it into
what he describes as a "cowboy's mince", which sounds more like a gait
than a dish to me. I'll say one thing for Sinan's crew - we're a broad
minded bunch. Of more concern is the chile and "one of our heads (toilets) needs
fixing" combination we're headed for tonight. As double acts go, it's up there
with Cannon & Ball.
The call's just gone up for a game of Scrabble
after dinner. This won't actually happen, but it's a nice thought from the
skipper, who has clearly been on one of those slightly iffy "how to improve
morale" management courses.
Kitkat's seems to have done a little less filming
today, which is a relief as we have - in truth - lazed about for most of it. He
can get his action shots tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that.