28:29.97N 13:41.7W
Left our berth at 11. 45 GMT.
Almost flat calm, very bright sunshine and hot. Looks as if these variable
conditions will last until early next week but then the forecast indicates that
the Trade Winds will start to fill in. Currently have a pod of dolphins swimming
alongside the boat, escorting us towards the open Atlantic past Fuerteventura.
The passage plan is pretty simple: south west to 20 deg North and 30 deg West
(about 1000 miles) and then turn west for Antigua. Essentially the same route
that Columbus took. lt some nostalgia leaving strange,
volcanic Lanzarote behind us - it's been a really enjoyable few days. The marina
staff at Puerto Calero, especially Mel Symes, have been brilliant. And what
a party we had on Wednesday night, thanks to Mr Calero himself! Like also to say
very big thank you to Tony Diment, our Blue Water Rallies host. There are 19 of
us on the rally - some of the boats left on Thursday; most today. We'll catch up
with them this evening on the 18:00 SSB radio roll call.