Update from Baiona

Thu 8 Sep 2016 19:54
of us) crossing of the infamous Bay of Biscay which had been kind to us most
of time so thank you Neptune.
Despite radioing ahead, there was no-one to greet us at the Marina - we had
arrived within that critical 1400 to 1630-time window and they were all
asleep. So we waited and waited and waited….we all agreed that this would
actually be the accepted norm for most of the places we visit.
Finally moored up, checked in, cleaned the boat and headed out for a few
celebratory drinks. The beers arrived fast but the wine was a long time
coming – we waited and waited and waited… watching the beers slowly warming
up, imagining the taste but hanging back until we could all toast together.
A lot more beers later and a tasty tapas led to a late night followed by an
equally late morning – no surprise there then.
Tuesday was a work day – see separate blog about the heads.
Wednesday morning was a work morning - laundry and heads – this live aboard
life is all pretty exciting stuff!!
However, finally, we got to wander around and what a pretty place this is -
a sheltered little fishing port in southwest Galicia, made famous by the
Carabela La Pinta which arrived here on 1st March 1493 to spread word about
the discovery of the New World – Chris Columbus no less – there is a replica
of his ship (tiny little thing) in the harbour but 2 euros per person was a
bit too much for us – so we took a picture instead.
Old town has a maze of sloping streets and lots of churches and is really
old - founded in 140 BC no less. Fantastic fortress - Castelo de Montereal
which is circa 1500s and located on the headland with spectacular views and
a four-star hotel in the middle – with super king size beds and power
showers no doubt but found out about that a little too late to sneak off and
check in.
Being a Geologist I thought there may be other kindred spirits out there so
if rocks tickle your fancy, Baiona is located in part of the Iberian Massif,
its predominantly granite (white and pink, both medium and coarse grained)
which is widely used for buildings and roads.
FOR GREG: The climate of Baiona, like the rest of the Galician estuaries, is
maritime, with mild winters and warm summers and an annual average
temperature of approximately 15ºC. In addition, there is the influence of a
microclimate which is characterized by lower rainfall than other areas.
Bye for now early start tomorrow heading for Porto.