Sat 21 Jul 2018 10:18
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Kurigen marina, 64:02N, 010:04E
From Rørvik we sailed, or rather largely motored, into the night ( which with a more southerly latitude is becoming slightly darker each day) and into a roly sea with occasional ships passing to enliven the watches. The light in these night time shifts is mesmerising, ever changing with dramatic sun effects on the clouds and the sea itself. Near the Lofoten Isles, it create a kind of oasis effect and made the islands look like large ships with steep ends. Last night, it was a slow sundown and a half moon rising together with seeing our first navigation light - a red Occluded light which means it is a bit like having a light on then turned off briefly by putting card in front of it before removing it again. There were many, including several sectored lights which means they show different colours from different directions to help navigation. We even had a chance to sail as the wind built near to dawn. However, normal service was soon resumed and the engine accompanied us into the marina. We arrived in Kurigen just in time for breakfast at a lovely marina where people seem very friendly despite most being motorboaters!After a hearty breakfast we attacked a number of jobs and Peters Y and E settled to engine maintenance. This took a little longer than anticipated but they got there in the end. Rachael made a lovely salad for lunch and then Mary, Peter E and Peter Y set out for a walk up a hill. As we crossed the bridge over the sea, a large Hurtigruten boat came by, only missing the underside of the bridges by single-figure metres. The subsequent handbrake turn was also quite impressive, especially with the heeling generated by the walls we picked up a tack and path which led to the summit of Stigfjellet across large expanses of ancient rocks amongst which grew a great assortment of plants and mosses, mostly in full colour. We waited a little while at the summit then descended rapidly to get an ice cream and to walk backroads the boat. Very sociable groups of Norwegians were gathered around their barbecues. We also had a good meal before getting prepared for tomorrow and hopefully the weather will stay good and we will get some good breezes..