Update June 14th

Thu 14 Jun 2018 05:46
Morning and we have been underway 24 hours. 71:34.5 N 18:54.6E 136 Nm covered mostly in the right direction. We have had W SW winds 10- 15 knots so reaching all the time so far. Beautiful rainbows last night but it’s beyond me to post photos at the moment! The wind has dropped a bit this morning so we are now motor sailing to ensure progress. Peter is the only one not to have been sick, but we did all manage some fish and rice at some time during the night. Two dolphin sightings and lots of fulmars swimming near the boat. It’s weird having the sun going around us all night. Lots of cloud formations moving around very quickly but as yet the wind and rain have kept away. It’s cold on the night watches but everyone is doing ok, especially Lizzie for whom this is a new experience. Cold, tired and sick!! She stays wonderfully positive whilst I’m a bit grumpy I’m afraid.

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