21:08s 175:11w

Mon 25 Jun 2012 21:20
Well we have made it safely to Tonga, cleared in yesterday afternoon good
thing Michelle had baked a cake as those Tongan officials were hungry. Very low
key procedures no stress no hassles maybe Australia and New Zealand Customs
should come and find out how to treat sleep deprived yachties. Had a
Celebratory bottle of bubbly then everyone fell into a coma like sleep
occasionally roused by Brass bands at 0300 and random choir practices. Overall
it was really cool. Going into the big smoke today (literally as everyone has a
fire going) to check out a festival and get the lay of the land.
Landlubbers, landlubbers, landlubbers .... over and out.
Citrus Tart to Tonga featured
Steve (Skipper)
Michelle (Crew and eye candy)
Klause (The Klausinator) |