31:39s 176:29e

Tue 20 Nov 2012 17:55
We had a big electrical storm on Monday night which we seemed to be in the
middle of. There was lots of screaming and crying when some of the strikes
landed quite close, then Michelle told me to shut-up. We had been doing some
good miles during the day on Monday the wind came round to the east a bit more
@15 knots. As the front rolled in it increased the sea state first then the
wind. We didn’t get the pressure but at a guess we had 35 knots in the gusts,
our tacktick anemometer was insideand we were busy hanging on we ended up with
half the jib rolled away and hit 14 knots surfing down the swells. We made good
95 miles in 10 hours.
By Tuesday morning the wind was gone (3-5 knots) and we had 5 meter swells
trying to mount the boat no danger just lots of slapping and noise. We had
pumice in the cockpit from a wave from behind us. Conditions (swell) eased
through the day and stayed pretty calm for the next 24 hours.
So Wednesday morning we are still plodding along things are good on board
and we hope to make Marsden Cove Friday afternoon.
our pos 32:40s : 176:24e wind N 3-5 knots, sea 1.5m swell bit sloppy, sky
overcast slight drizzle with peeks of sun.