Sadko update 19 June 1800

Martin Lamport
Tue 19 Jun 2012 20:33
38deg04'N 34 deg10'W.  161 miles from Flores.
We have had stronger winds the last two days.  Yesterday I judged it a bit too much for the spinnaker, so we rigged the goose wing arrangement with a tackle on the spinnaker pole  and used it to gallop down wind all day.  At night we ran under main alone, as it makes for easier helming and quieter sleeping conditions without a flapping headsail.
As night drew on, the wind increased and we had to take progressively more reefs in the main until we were running rather slowly with three reefs down.  But conditions soon started to ease and I supplemented the main with our tiny storm jib.  By morning the genoa was back out and by 10.30, after a bit of squally rain, all the reefs were out and we have had a superb run on a beam reach for the rest of the day, covering 140 miles in 24 hours.  
Tomorow the wind is expected to back NE, then E and finally SE and S.  How soon and how quickly this happens will affect our progess in the final few miles.  We have been making some extra northing today to allow us to run south in north easterlies and then north again in south easterlies.  ETA some time late tomorrow evening? Optimistic! Thursday morning more likely.
Signing off