Fw: Monday 12th

Spirit of Isis
On Deck /Colin
Mon 12 Nov 2007 14:49
----- Original Message -----
From: Rod Jones
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Monday 12th

15.43.2N 29.42.9W
Well up to now the NE trades have not kicked in since we hit the big hole 2 hours off Sao Vincente!
It's slow - max 9 knots with the occasional 10 knots as we slide down a wave.
We're now heading South and west trying to find some wind.
Ollie is doing a great job cooking and it looks like there will be an increase in waistlines, apart from Ian, now named Bambi, who has been seen checking out Pilates excercises with Andrew on the foredeck.
Excercise - not a lot just the 3 metre jog from the hatch to the helm !!