Spending 3 days at the same place - a novelty for Knotty Girl and us !

Knotty Girl
Fri 12 May 2023 17:22
42:00.1N 15:00.1E
Given the we and in order to ensure our beautiful Knotty Girl remains as safe as possible her owners decided to do some sightseeing, which we did, we decided to spend 3 days in Termoli !

Termoli’s Cathedral is very nice, but except for that not much to see there, particularly also as most shops were still closed, we decided to take the ferry (I know we have a boat but given the grey weather and the fact that we did not want to spend 6 hours motoring to go there) to visit the Tremiti Islands. We were lucky as that day it did not rain there and we know it did in Termoli. We went to San Domino islands, the most visited one of 5 in total (apparently as we did not see so many people except a couple of groups of tourists but nothing frightening yet…). We walked from one side of the island to the other one through a very nice “pinède” and we saw interesting wooden platforms on rocks - probably used in Summer to sunbathe along beautiful bays of clear water. We saw a TCI camp of small huts getting ready to welcome it first customers - most likely in June. The main square of the island was having some work done - as always last minute before all the tourists come in ! These islands are mainly known for their natural beauty - nature, sunshine (Really ? :) - and crystalline clear waters. 

The next day, we rented a car - it was a very rainy and grey day, which obviously made it that some of the sites we visited did not appear in their full splendour. In particular we crossed the Foresta Umbra were on the guide it says that beautiful walks can be done and we could imagine that would be the case, yet given the weather we did not even go out !!! We also saw Peschici, Vico and the amazing Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo, one of the oldest and most important religious site of the Gargano and one of the most impressive religious site I have even seen. It is a UNESCO World Heritage and a place extremely visited by Pilgrims from all nationalities.