Back in Port Blair 3 March
Terry & Fiona
Tue 5 Mar 2013 12:36
092:42.9 e
3 March. Havelock #7 to Port Blair 24nm
We had some nice snorkelling at Havelock, there are quite a few coral
patches in the big bay (nb when looking for an anchoring spot - it's not all
sand)) and we saw quite a few fish of all shapes and sizes and noted that
there is some new coral growth after the big bleaching of 2010. its still
got a very long way to go until it resembles what it once did - perhaps it
will take decades.
We sailed all the way to Port Blair with a 10-ish knot beam/quartering wind
and anchored near 3 other yachts in the Haddo anchorage. We'll be here till
we check out and leave on Thursday to fill with fuel,food water etc when our
30 day permit will expire.