Sadla Island

Terry & Fiona
Tue 23 Feb 2010 03:17
041:56.35 e
23rd Feb.
All rally boats now at the stunning anchorage at Mersa Dudo - an extinct (we hope!) volcano crater just in shore. very windy but a nice wide sandy bay with good holding. forecast is for strong southerlies to continue for the next 5 days.
early morning told to move on by military. initially most boats tried to stay fast, but we were shown guns and clearly threatened what might happen if we did not move on. they told us to go to Assab - more than 80nm to windward!
followed Lo to an anchorage just to the south on the mainland, but the waves made it untennable for more than 2 boats. we turned around to leave and find somewhere else.
some boats anchored off the west side of Little Abail islet or Sadla island, but we decided to move a little further east to the centre of the island off the isthmus that joins 2 large volcanic hills. anchored in 5m with 50 meters chain out. wind blowing at 30kts ESE.
waiting to see if military bother us here.