sailing to the sunset
Halsway Grace
Robin and Sue carter
Wed 30 Nov 2011 12:37
Well hello again, Halsway calling in
1207 miles done and so it looks like the crew will be getting overexcited
at the halfway point on friday morning, or thursday evening if the predicted
stronger winds kick in. Feel i’m getting into my stide now, (.....rather that of
a carthorse, but its mine and i’m comfortable with it!). With only one
sail up now i’ve stopped scedaddling arround on the top of the waves and the
guys say its easier to sleep. What are they on about.....sleep......this is a
race! I just dont think their hearts are in it.?
I mean look at Azel in the pic....winner of the bubble gum blowing
competition.....the only one who managede to blow a bubble atall . Sue just blew
hers strait out across the cockpit. Other pics not attached would reveal the
skipper undoing a massive knot of fishing line before starting the ‘big
game’ quest, Roy sitting on the saloon floor with a bowl of bread mix between
his knees, performing the combined function of bread baking and floor polishing
as he slid from side to side across the saloon floor !
Must get the team together now so that they get the bothenhampton quiuz
finished on time.....before the 28 knot breeze arrives tomorrow evening
Speak soon, Love
Halswsay. |