Halsway Grace first blog entry
Halsway Grace
Robin and Sue carter
Thu 20 Oct 2011 10:45
Owners: Robin and Sue Carter
Nationality: British
Make/ Model: Najad 405
LOA: 12.2m
Mission statement: ‘porridge is the power’
On November 20th 2011 Halsway Grace will be leaving Las Palmas in the
Canary Islands to sail the 2, 500 miles to St Lucia in the Caribbean with 250
other boats participating in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC)
The journey to Las Palmas-
We set out from Henan in Sweden in May 2008 and took 3 years of pottering
south to get to dusty, old Malta in the summer of 2010. Getting back to
Gibraltar and then Las Palmas this summer made us realise just how hard poor
Halsway (pronounced “halsi”) Grace had been working as we had after all been
living on her for 4-5 months each year.
From Malta we sailed to Siracuse in Sicily, a fascinating town
........(alternator in and out before blown fuse discovered!)
Onwards north through the Straits of Messina with no sign of Scilla or
Charibdis and onto the smelly island of Vuclano. Fortunately the wind was
onshore and our sinuses were spared the sulphur scour.
Then back to our by now familiar haunt of Trepani to await fair wind for
southern Sardinia, which we made on the second attempt.
We had a cracking sail along the southern coast before beating a gale to
Menorca. In Mahon we revisited Collingwood’s hospital on Isle de Ray.
Onwards past Mallorca and Ibiza (on the south coast this time) to
anchor off Formentera (where we noticed the ‘clunking’ in the back stay
On mainland Spain there was still snow on the Sierra Nevada but was very
hot we had a prolonged stay in Almerimar to replace the overcharged
batteries(!) and took the opportunity to visit the amazing Alhambra Palace
in Grenada.
Past the miles of hydroponic plastic sheeting saw us in Estapona having
said clunking back stay part replaced (thank you Antonio)
In Gibraltar we picked up a plastic inflatable fish and our crew Roy and
Hazel for our shake down/delivery trip to Las Palmas where we arrived 6 days
later with a torn headsail and a graunching noise from the rudder but an
otherwise great trip.
Halsway Grace now snug in Las Palmas with a new headsail on its way and the
rudder bearings repaired thanks to Robin and Roy’s working holiday in LP and the
kind lift out by Real Club Nautico. |