Quivira 2 mailasail Red Box arrangement

Thu 13 Jun 2019 16:27
Here are some images of the arrangement we have for our Red Box. There is an external antenna and 6m length of cable. A temporary mount for the external antenna is fitted to the top bar of the spray hood (note close proximity of the boom and the stowed preventer stay!). The external antenna is only fitted to make/receive data transmissions. The cable runs across the top bar of the spray hood, down the side and through an open hatch into the aft cabin (standfast the Damage Control Officer). Down below the phone is on the bunk. The Red Box is on the shelf on top of the wardrobe with a handy 12V socket nearby. My rugged laptop on the chart table is connected to the Red Box by wi-fi..

When rigged it has worked very well.

Obvious issues are: Safe rigging in rough weather, especially screwing the antenna onto the mount one-handed while holding on with the other; Damage by boom; Running a cable through an open hatch, albeit one under the spray hood; Waterproof integrity of cable connector when the antenna is removed (so we de-rig the cable as well); Time & effort needed to rig/de-rig when one is tired and weary.

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