Brighton Belles

Andrew and Hilary Clark
Tue 19 May 2009 12:19
50:48.35N 00:06.38W
We left Cowes last Friday (how long ago it seems!)
bound for Eastbourne. But as we passed Selsey Bill in rain and poor visibility,
we received an imminent gale warning for the area, so we decided to divert into
Brighton. By the time we arrived it was blowing SW F6, and, for a stranger, the
entrance turned out to be character building. Once inside and berthed securely
we were glad we had come in, for that evening and night it really did blow. We
were healing onto the pontoon with all our fenders rigged down the one
But apart from that, this is proving to be a good
stop. The marina is good and the crew here are very helpful. And Brighton and
the Royal Pavilion is a good run ashore. There are lots of eateries and
drinkeries, and a massive supermarket, all within easy walking from our berth.
Best of all we got to meet Max and Bron, an Australian couple who are sailing
their Oceanis 46 home to Hobart, Tasmania, starting in August.
Meanwhile we are stuck here for a couple of days
yet, but mindful of the adage that "harbours rot ships and men", we will move on
sometime soon.