The Party continues

Peter Fabricius
Thu 9 May 2024 08:11
45:30.0N. 10:18.4W

Good morning from us both!

It’s often fun at those roving parties that move spontaneously from one place to another “Come back to our place” after a meal out with friends; that sort of thing. And so it was with us as my birthday came to an end. Through the night (wind back to F5, gusting 6) there was repeated loud banging from the bows. The anchor, secured only by its chain on the windlass was being crashed into by waves breaking over the bows. An irritating noise and ultimately damaging. So when I came on watch, we set about fixing this. First, we had to completely lower the already furled reaching sail and get it into its bag. Then unship the mini bowsprit it sets on. All this just to be able to open the anchor locker on the foredeck. A tight lashing around the shank has improved things although there is still some bashing.

Since then, Huon has been in his bunk but I have managed a shower and shave plus clean clothes! It is blowing top end of F4, gusting 5. 866 nM sailed, 380 to go, although I am sure the actual distance will be more. I suppose we are about on the same latitude as Bordeaux (there’s a thought for later on!) but 300 miles west.

Best wishes

Peter & Huon