Peter Fabricius
Sun 14 May 2023 17:21
It looks as if my last message left the boat ok - certainly there are no carrier pigeons flying around here.

It has been a fabulously benign Biscay crossing. Early there were quite big seas and we rolled a lot which delayed me setting up the big reaching sail on its bowsprit although for a while ,I had the big sail set on the spinnaker pole with the ordinary genoa goose winged. That is a great combination so long as you don’t need it all down in a hurry.

Coming South has not yet brought real summer warmth although today has been a bit better. Most of the day I had the big reaching sail earning its keep- for quite a time set goosewinged but with the spinnaker pole and then set conventionally as a headsail with the main up.

I mad a nice salad for lunch and spent some time cleaning various little nooks and crannies that easily get overlooked. This afternoon is the first time it has really been warm enough to sit outside reading.

I’ve been spending a lot of time understanding the new B&G electronic equipment. It is a huge improvement over the old kit with much more consistent (and I assure accurate) information. For example 5 ½ miles away, coming towards me is a huge oil rig under tow. On radar, when it was still about 18 miles away I could see that there was a tug as well as the rig itself - wow!

So all is well in my world. I need to sign off to keep a watch on the oil rig then think about some supper!

Best wishes


Sent from Yacht Pemandia