
Sun 26 Apr 2009 09:52
to avoid the very strong northerly winds. Our first port of call was Port
Ghalib where we officially checked into Egypt. This marina is new with a
holiday resort attached to it,from there we went on two overnight tours one
to Aswan which included a visit Abu Simbil temple.Aswan was very
picturesque,we took a trip out on a faluka.. And another
trip to Luxor which included a trip to the valley of the kings, although
Tutamkarmens tomb is here much of the treasures are either in Cairo or
London. The temples were truly amazing and were extremely well preserved
,unlike Cairo museum which was crammed full of pieces of artefacts. As we
sailed further north our next port of call was Suez and we took another tour
to Cairo which included a visit to the pyramids and the sphinx .
We left Suez for Crete and had the worse sail of the whole trip North
Westerly winds force 5 - 6.We took five days to cover 300 miles.We arrived
in Crete at 8.30 in the evening, and went into the Aghios Nikolaos to see
the Easter procession carried out at midnight.