Out there

S/Y Pelerin
Colin Speedie & Louise Johnson
Wed 21 Nov 2012 16:10
We were looking to get away from the Canaries as soon as the wind finally went around from the SW, a headwind that had been holding up our departure. Then the forecast was for NE’lies for at least 36 hours before we’d have to plug through a spell of very light winds before getting into the Trades. And so it was, we flew away from the islands in fine style, before the wind dropped light for the best part of two days, and on went the engine.
There are two types of sailors – those who breathe a sigh of relief when the engine starts, and those who breathe a sigh of relief when it’s turned off - we both belong in the latter camp. Over the two calm days, we stopped and started the engine countless times as we chased every little patch of wind, light weather sails up – and then (dejectedly) down. The weather GRIB files told us we’d have more wind by nightfall last night, but it never materialised, leaving us to rumble through the night once more.
But early this morning the wind finally filled in from the North, and hopefully that will be the case all the way from here - insh’Allah! We’re currently rolling along well with a good, solid breeze and a boisterous sea – it’s really good to be making such excellent progress.
Best wishes to you all
Colin & Lou