Passage to Galapagos

Norman Carter
Thu 4 Mar 2010 21:50
Not much to write today - guess what!? - it's hot and sticky and rolly and we haven't caught a fish today.
So far we have spent 2 nights on this crossing and for anyone who might be vaguely interested we are doing an alternating 4 on and 4 off watch so tonight I will do 7-11, Sara
wiil do 11-03, then I will do 03-07
And tomorrow we swop
And to eat - spicy beef and sweet potato, with just a tiny glass of wine.
Our little boat is quite crowded but it is still disapointing that our friends Mike and Caroline Rodgers couldn't make the leg. Never mind perhaps we'll be able to hitch a lift with them on the PASAB (?) race again.
Well perhaps one cool beer,
Good night