Before we set sail 38:81.30N 28:34.57W
Doug Smith
Wed 15 Aug 2012 17:12
Hello All,
Well, I am back to collect the boat, could not wait
any longer, although I might review that during passage!
Crew change this time, Richard Hoppins and
Frank Hogan have stayed at home, well, not exactly home - Frank is treating
Pauline to a proper holiday (just before he goes cruising in Greece) whilst
Richard has found a new career in boat delivery, and as I write, he is pounding
up the Irish Sea delivering a boat to Scotland after Abersoch keel boat
week. I will miss them, but their places have been taken by Andy Holliday
and Dave Potter. Andy is here for his skill in fixing things whilst Dave
is hoping to use his Finn techniques pumping Moya home on time and a starter to
an "off-shore" future. We also miss Dave Lennon, the crossing's chief
fixer and chef extrodinaire, but he an Jean will be supporting us with daily
weather routing. Rick is also rejoining tomorrow, couldn't do without him
if only to remind me that he is really in charge, until it comes to paying
the bills - so all set for a good passage!
So far all is going OK. We missed the
connecting flight from Lisbon to Horta - they changed the gate on us without
telling us, so a pleasant night in Lisbon Airport was had by all and last night
the heads, fixed before we went home last time, failed again, so we are having a
busy few days of typical boats!
Anyway, far too busy for me to spend long in
writing this, but you may enjoy the photos. The sea wall in Horta is
decorated with drawings by visiting vessels - but not by us, alas! - our
resident artist, Scott, is still sailing his boat up the Irish Sea on the
way back from Brest, however many others have left their mark. The
pontoons are filled with single handed craft - skimming dishes - about to race
back to France, its made Dave envious and me feel ill ,and Andy is demonstrating
that life is hard in Peter's bar ashore, wait until he feels the deprivations of
the high seas!