
Restless Marc
Marc Blaquiere
Sat 22 Dec 2007 17:20
105.07.000 W
We anchored in Chamela for two nights and a welcomed day off. I was starting to
wind down from a few months of constant work. We had a number of successful
beach landings in Propeller Head, one commended by some gringos on the beach.
Not much to Chamela except some restaurants on the beach. One man talked up the
disco in town by the socolo(main square), we were not inspired enough to stay
another night to check it out(It just looked like a small bar with a pool
table). The town looks to have seen minimal development other than a number of
motor home parks facing the beach. One couple from Minnesota has chosen to
return here for their winter season. Different Strokes… we chose to leave the
next morning.