Back in Vigo

3 September2013 – Vigo 42:14.56N 08:43.42W Back to Vigo, in the town centre marina. Here is the entrance. We arrived last night for our appointment with Cesar and Beatrix to fit the bimini frames; and also to pick up a spare pump ordered at great expense from the chandler in Bouzas named Jesus Betanzos. We arrived about 5 and straightway hopped on bikes to cycle out to Bouzas along a dual traffic in heavy traffic. A character-forming experience – but not more so that trying to get the team at Jesus Betanzos to understand what we had arrived to collect! The marina is municipal but operated by the Real Club Nautico, which has a gracious art nouveau club house next to the marina. High ceilings, cool and shady, with a library and, upstairs, a bar and restaurant, it reminds you of the RNSYC. Civilised. We have tested the showers but our neighbours Guy and Ginny on Kishti 2 tell us that whilst there’s lots of hot water, it’s not particularly clean, being shared with the sailing school. The club house is in the background of the picture, and the shower block is up the stairs. The berth is in the shade in the mornings – it felt positively chilly! Cesar and Beatrix arrived at midday, two hours late. He’d texted to say he was delayed and there was a march against illegal workers – lotts of drums, horns blaring etc. He took infinite trouble to set up the frame on the boat to create the pattern, including some pieces of plywood to mock up the sliders. Roger is very pleased and proposes to write a recommendation on the cruising association website. We paid Cesar a sum on account: we’ve each been withdrawing the maximum of £250 in cash every day from ATMs and it was a relief to transfer it to him. He counted the money, spread it out on the cockpit seat, set the GPS coordinates on his phone and took a photo. A good trick! He then gave the cash to the bank of Beatriz – who pocketed it with a big smile! They left us at about 1.45pm (time for the lunch-pause?) and since then it’s been a domestic day. As we’re in harbour with “free” electricity and water, I’ve got the washing done; because it’s the month end I’ve got all the admin up to date. OKRA has been deregistered for VAT, so there was a nil return to be submitted, as well as doing the routine monthly checks – cash book balances? Bank reconciles? And likewise a review of the bank account and credit card statements – mine and Auntie Dorothy’s. all these things take time and are best done in the shade! And those who remember me from the days in consulting at Touche Ross: David Cain would be proud of me! I’m reflecting on a cleaning spec that will see every nook and cranny and cupboard reviewed, cleaned, inspected and , disinfected once a month – no mean feat for a boat with so many said nooks! He’s promised to have the works finished by Friday…. They left us at about 1.45pm (time for the lunch-pause?) and since then it’s been a domestic day. As we’re in harbour with “free” electricity and water, I’ve got the washing done; because it’s the month end I’ve got all the admin up to date. OKRA has been deregistered for VAT, so there was a nil return to be submitted, as well as doing the routine monthly checks – cash book balances? Bank reconciles? And likewise a review of the bank account and credit card statements – mine and Auntie Dorothy’s. all these things take time and are best done in the shade! And those who remember me from the days in consulting at Touche Ross: David Cain would be proud of me! I’m reflecting on a cleaning spec that will see every nook and cranny and cupboard reviewed, cleaned, inspected and , disinfected once a month – no mean feat for a boat with so many said nooks! Roger spent the rest of the day moving the solar panels further aft so there will be less shading of the panels and therefore more amps! For those with a an interest in such things here is a technical picture showing the new aft position. |