Day 10 - Light and Fluky

Magnetic Attraction
Roger and Margaret Pratt
Tue 3 Dec 2013 14:04
> Monday 2
December 2013
> 17:59.48N > 29:52.19W > > Course: 250 > Engine Hrs: 0 > Day's Run: miles 84 > Total:
1240 miles - Expected total distance 3000 miles
> Air Temperature 25.1C > Water temperature 29.5C > Wind speed: 7-8knts > Wind direction: 40T Hello Everyone,
We are continuing to enjoy the sunshine in what can
only be described as frustrating sailing conditions. We have not had more than
8knts of breeze in the last 24hrs. In a flat sea Magnetic Attraction will (with
skill), make 4knts, sailing at 55 degrees to the wind, speed drops as this
angle is increased. Much of the time we have had less than 5knts and with
swell it is not possible to sail deeper than 100 degrees to the wind, our course
has been 250 degrees with wind from the north west. Ideally we would be going
further south where the weather prediction promises 10knts on Thursday and 15 kn
on Friday (believe it if you will.)
That said, life on board is very comfortable,
provided you are not obsessed with washing yourself every day, we have
insufficient water to support 'vantity' and have been washing up in sea water to
conserve stocks. We had a breakfast of crunchy nut cornflakes, followed by
scrambled egg on toast, toast and marmalade. Being Mum was a pleasure for
the first time, pots and pans did not need bolting to the stove to
stop them jumping around the cabin and mugs could be filled without
restraining them on the work surface. This morning we have 7-8knts from from the
north east and with a very smooth sea we are sailing on starboard tack on a
160 degree wind angle, with the genoa 'goosewinged' on the pole and the stay
sail set with a whisker pole formed from the boat hook: Lucy's speciality. Our
SOG is 2.7 knts (we have seen 3-5knts below clouds). Under the circumstance we
have done well to cover 84 miles entirely under sail, in the last 24hrs. We have
not yet run the engine because it would only add 1.5knts to our speed, at an
economical 1400RPM and in wall to wall sunshine the solar panels have been
reducing the battery drain.
The highlight of yesterday afternoon was a group of
twenty whales directly ahead, whilst we were sailing very slowly. They moved to
our left and we passed them at about eight boat lengths. They were 4 to 6mtrs
long, blue / charcoal in colour and seemed to be sunning themselves,
unconcerned by our presence or Lucy's whooping!. For the first time in 48hrs we
are not alone, there is a yacht astern, which is flying a spinnaker, the AIS
says it is doing 5-6knts, but it has not caught us much to date.
Best wishes,
Bryan (Mum).