Apia, Samoa

`The Cathedral in Apia is just one of many churches in the town and across the island. In 1830 the Reverend John Williams arrived in Samoa and, as a consequence, the Christian gospel had a big impact on Samoan life. For many Samoans, Christianity and fa’a samoa (Samoan culture) are inextricably interwoven. They are devoutly religious people with much time devoted to church activities. In 1899, possession of Samoa was divided between Germany (Western Samoa) and the United States (Eastern Samoa). After the outbreak of the First World War, New Zealand captured Western Samoa from the small German company stationed on the islands. Following the end of the war New Zealand took administrative control on behalf of the United Nations from 1918 until 1962 when Samoa became the first Pacific nation to regain independence. It is now known as Samoa and Eastern Samoa is now called American Samoa. How’s this for a view from the cockpit?:
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