28 November
Remember the owl? Harry Potter demanded his return. As we jybed onto starboard at around 19:00 he took flight. Let's hope he finds a safe home. He won't make land from here so he will need to find another boat.
We are bowling along at 8-10 knots heading SSE. The wildlife continues to amaze. Petrols, dolphins, David and HUGE fish that got away.
We gathered to celebrate Steve's birthday today. We wore party hats and David shaved his stubble into a fine Spanish tache to mark to occasion. Steve is delighted with his present, a rubber chicken.
We came within a couple of miles of
another boat today. That's the first close encounter in 450 miles, and it turned
out to be Petite Lune, which was moored next to us in
Crew all in good spirits and
working well together. The watch system is bedded in now. Every sixth day a crew
member takes the 'mother watch' and prepares all meals for 24 hours. They also
get a rare full night's sleep. Brian today. Have just started our third night at
sea, and we continue to head south to meet the trade