Grey Room 47:43.5N 6:07.1W

Sat 17 Aug 2013 08:52
Done second night and painfully slow with wind on
nose and big seas - average 4 knots
last night past a few fishing boats both H and me
into that sleep depravation pattern and just
passing each other on watches to catch up on that
all important sleep - and with exhaustion
can even sleep in this weather - engine on as cant
sail this angle and deadline to try to make
so cant sail off rumb line
Valuable note to self and my one follower - tonic
water and cordial needed - pork pies remain
untouched and may well go to neptune - will attempt
first cooking today as both up to some
hot food but been too rough to even think about
cooking - still developed love of cheese and pitta
Night need full wits about you as shipping has been
fairly full on - dont know how solo guys of
old managed and without radar
Body now used to being in this washing machine -
though calmer seas and blue sky would be
very welcome