Fin's tick-tock legs

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Thu 4 Feb 2016 13:48
Position: 16:14.9N 061:15.6W Hi everybody! St. Francois, a lagoon on the southern side of Guadeloupe, received us on Tuesday after 15 days of straight sail, Guadeloupe coming at us as green as a Welsh hill with a huge crucifix mounted on its rocky tip. Not long after, we came through the channel into St. Francois' lagoon, anchored and were immediately frowned at by a white-haired American on his catamaran next door, standing in his knickers. Welcome to the Caribbean. After having water, water everywhere and nowhere to swim for so long (the Captain did threaten to in the middle of the Atlantic so we threatened mutiny back and he scowled but conceded), we celebrated by jumping into the turquoise lagoon. After 2 days, we've just re-surfaced and can report that the lagoon is mostly sandy with patches of sea grass and edged by coral reef. The temperature is like bathwater after you've soaked in it for a while. Fin swam and swam too, her front webbed paws scooping the water, her back legs moving like the hands of a clock until they pretty much gave out yesterday and luckily John was there to push her back to Quest. She drink a bucketful of water, puked up slightly and sank like a sac of sand to the floor. We checked in to Guadeloupe through their immigration computer system yesterday too and because this is France (?!) we didn't need to get our passports stamped except for one creature on board, a certain Long Ears rabbit. She has a nice blue stamp in her pawsport :) Also we can confirm that the supermarket is alive and well here and exactly like everywhere else in the world; actimel yoghurt, fancy crisps, tasteless tomatoes and thin slices of dubious quality ham. Thank you, globalisation :) Today boat school starts again properly, I.e. tears and tantrums while the kids watch on, bemused as usual. Hopefully we will be in the sea after lunch to recover. We've read your fantastic comments on Facebook and emails and texts and we love you guys. Thanks xxxx Love from Quest and her crew xx |