Thinking about leaving Ramsgate.

Tue 3 Jul 2007 21:51
As the rain seems to have abated for a while, and
the wind dropped to less than force 7, we may leave Ramsgate this week. We
are now planning a quick trip to Gravelines on Thurs prior to heading down
channel on Saturday early morning. Either towards NW Brittany or SW Cornwall,
winds will decide!!
Kate has been working as the ships rigger
and engineer today. She was 40 foot up the main mast, in the bosuns chair,
reeving a topping lift for the spinny pole and was then drilling and riveting a
new plate to the pole. Trying to set up the rigging for the downwind runs,
preventers etc coming out of our ears! Blocks and lines all over the place in an
effort to tame the sails, and the booms, whilst sailing downwind for days
on end. Got several ideas, but will need to consider all options when we
are trying it in anger.