Preparing to leave Las Palmas

Fri 23 Nov 2007 20:43
Absolutely knackered, been on the run for days
sorting out a million and one bits and pieces on the boat to get ready for three
weeks at sea.
The rally starts on Sunday at 13:00 UT and we hope
to be the last boat across the start line. We will be updating the mailasail
blog each day when at sea and will continue to send the same message to all of
you who are on our email list.
Looking forward to getting goiung with a mixture of
excitement and trepidation, three weeks at sea feels like a long time. Being
away from the comforts of the shore and having to be self sufficient in terms of
spares, tools, food, water, electicity and gas has meant a lot of running around
and some furious shopping. The boat is well loaded up with all manner of things
that I did not know that we would need. Hopefully we ae nearly sorted now, but
there will be no chance to re-stock after we leave, and the opportunity to
borrow a cup of sugar from the neaighbours will be slight.
Looking forward though to the clear nights with the
amazing display of stars and palnets that we got used to on the way down from
Portugal, will miss my fish suppers and the chances of locating a restaurant
selling grilled squid in garlic are remote, but that won't stop me dreaming
of them!!