Saint Lucia Position 14:04.483N 60:56.914W

Bill and Judy Stellin
Sat 29 Dec 2007 00:13
We left Barbados at 1620 hours on the 27th of Dec. and the
next morning at 0800 we were at our destination of Saint Lucia in Rodney Bay
marina where we are now. Our sail was as easy as they come. Caribbean
sailing is really all that it is cracked up to be. We only used the
genoa fully opened. One tack for 95 miles then two short course
changes and we were in the marina. Motor was on for maybe 10
This is the first marina we've been in since Nov
30th. It will feel good to sleep all night without worry of dragging
anchor or rolling constantly. It has also given me a chance to buy some needed
Our outboard motor external cruise-a-day plastic gas tank
cracked and was leaking gasoline so I had to replace that. It is
polyethylene which is impossible to repair with normal adhesives. Also two
of our instrument bulbs burned out and they were sort of hard to find
replacements for. Finally, our roller furling line for the genoa chafed
almost through and that had to be replaced. Fortunately, there is an
excellent hardware store and ships chandlery here, so I was able to find
I won't say much more about Barbados because none of it
would be good. Suffice to say, I will never go back and I can't for the
life of me understand why four and five cruise ships call there almost every
day. It's probably because they have a deep water port which most of
these islands don't have.
I have never been in a place where the service people are
so sullen and unfriendly. The city of Bridgetown even has a big banner
running across one street admonishing people to "smile".
Food is so expensive it is prohibitive. Nothing but
sugar cane and yams are grown on the island despite the fact it is billiard
table flat and just as green. Everything is imported, mostly from Florida
and California. All fruits are priced by the piece.
Oranges from Florida are $0.50 cents each and they are
labeled juice oranges which probably only cost a penny or so in
Table grapes are $2.50 for a handful. At that rate
they are about a nickel a grape. Tomatoes and walnuts look alike.
Both are brown, wrinkled and hard.
Normal retirement in Barbados is 55 year old. Maybe
for the next 10 years of each persons life, they could try a little more work,
like growing something.
Despite this, the average man or woman on the street is
very helpful. One lady gave me her cell phone to use to call Trinidad
because I was having trouble with pay phones. I was so grateful I gave her
$10 bucks. (My call was to a marina in Trinidad making reservations for
carnival Feb 1st through the 9th. Pack your bags and come on down.
The marina and all marinas in this particular complex have hotel rooms as part
of the operation.
Carnival in Trinidad is the grand daddy for the
Caribbean. We will probably stay here in Rodney Bay until after New
Years. There are supposed to be some big doings here and there are several
people we know here and several more we've just met.