Day 17 Final Position 13:20.365N 59:37.204W

Bill and Judy Stellin
Mon 17 Dec 2007 09:28
The crossing is now history. Whoopee we made
it and in fabulous time as well. Sixteen days, two hours and forty
two minutes. Not bad for a couple of 70 plusers. We have had
wonderful weather albeit very heavy weather sailing conditions. High winds
of course made the short duration of the voyage possible. Also we sort of
kept the peddle to the metal for the last two days.
We normally slow down at night, but these last two have
been close to perfect conditions so we kept everything up. We actually
were still conservative in that we had a double reef in the main each night and
the genoa partially rolled up.
It looks like our average speed for the voyage is slightly
in excess of 7 knots. That is fast for a 42 foot boat over the course of
2692 nautical miles.
Our destination is Six Men's Bay and Port Saint
Charles. It is about 8 miles down the west coast of Barbados and I will
give a final report of the voyage from there.
All is well on board.