South Pacific

Mon 21 Jul 2003 18:53
Monday, July 21, S03*04'; W114*18'
At about 1500 miles to go we are half way through. Winds are favorable even
if somewhat flickery - direction and strength - wise. The swell is steady
and big so the boat is being rolled and pitched and tossed, especially, when
the wind abates. We are slowly getting used to it. Since Saturday we are
running free down the wind quite comfortably under genua and stay sail
making about 5 knots, which translates into 110 - 120 miles a day. Carrying
a main, even while broad reaching was putting a lot of strain on the rigging
due to the constant tossing, especially with winds below 15 knots. Sweat
Weather is not a racing boat by any stretch of imagination. We are well set
in a long passage routine: 6 hours watch at night, regular meals, fixing
this and that but mostly reading and going through French tapes. Anxiety
about our progress is waning away and life is becoming a bit timeless (at
least on my part).