Cristobal, Panama

Tue 29 Apr 2003 00:02
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
It has been a somewhat tiring 7.5 day passage from Jamaica. Motoring East
to round Cabo Morant, Jamaica, was to be expected but the balance was
supposed to be an easy runnig free all the way to Cristobal. Not so, this
time. Perhaps, it was because of Jonah disguised as Sasha, the Ukrainian.
Poor Sasha spent all the trip lying flat in the cockpit and puking
gracefuly on occasion. It was his first and, he says, definitely last
sailboat trip.
The winds were mostly favourable but incommensurable swell made it
impossible to carry the sails so we had to motor for full four days. Good
part was, that all the dirt got nicely washed of the bottom of our diesel
tanks and they will be clean now, at an expense of three fuel filters
changed while under the way. Annoyingly, my Iridium phone stopped
“registering” on April 28. I am trying to get to Customer Care of
Roadpost, my Iridium service provider. Of course, I cannot use their free
satelite number as my phone does not work and USA toll free numbers do not
connect from public phones here(?!). What a mess, will have to ask my son,
Alex, for help again. Twenty first century technology is great but when it
fails the old fashon family support is your only resort.
We have gotten the last available slip in an overcrowded Panama Canal
Yacht Club and will stay here for a few days. Ukraine is on the list of
“sensistive” countries here, so Sasha has to go to Panama City to get his
visa tommorow mornig. He also wants to find a hotel there. Panama Canal
Admeasurer is coming, hopefully, tomorrow to measure the boat and issue
the paymment slip. Upon making the payment we will get our transit
scheduled and will plan accordingly.
Our standing jib is being repaired and we are getting our lines and
fenders ready. Our Panama connection, Bogdan, suggested that provisioning
is much better in Panama City and offered his help there, so we do not
have much to do in Cristobal. We hear that the waiting time is about 10
days, so a trip to Portobello and, perhaps, to San Blass Island looks like
a nice way of killing the time.
Cristobal, Friday, April 25.
Iridium is still “not registering” and communication with Roadpost is
still costly and difficult. In meantime, I have discovered that my
magnetic mount “patch” antenna had faulty connection. I cannot dismount
the plug, though, so have find an electronic shop. It cannot be the only
problem as the phone does not work with its standard antenna at variety of
locations ashore.
I am considering a purchase of a new Iridium telephone but it’s a costly
Yesterday, we acted as line handlers on s/y “Walkabout” crewed by two
Czechs. The transit was rather fast and I have a much clearer picture of
the procedures now. It will definitely help with transiting our boat
through the Canal. Then, in the evening we had a very pleasant encounter
with Bogdan in Panama City. He may be able to join us for a trip to San
Blas Islands.
Today, I paid my transit dues. We are scheduled for May 6, with a
possibility to get it pushed forward for a couple of days.
Asthma started bothering me in Jamaica and does not go away @ 3 - 4
breathing treatments daily. Quite a disappointment.
Panama Canal Yacht Club is always full in spite of being grossly
neglected. It is the only marina on this side of the Canal and the other
choice is anchoring in the Flats. Apparently, there is no need to make it
any attractive. We are going to Flats tomorrow, and to San Blasé Islands
on Tuesday
There is a number of almost derelict boats in PCYC which look like
shattered dreams, once colorful. There are also some a bit dilapidated but
apparently functional and mostly inhabited. It is like they make a
statement for their owners: “to hell with appearances we have better
things to do than waxing chamoising, etc.” I can relate.