Stormy Sea

Bob Beggs/Ian Rivers
Sat 30 Oct 2010 13:59
Position: 35’59.7N, 068’54.2W
It’s been a couple of stormy days at sea, so I couldn’t update the blog (just a bit rough!). We reckon the storm finally past last night, which saw us on almost bare poles running before it. The sun is out and the sea has a calmer edge to it, if a little confused from a 2 day storm.
Routine is starting to settle over Serica, we’ve set a night watch, which has seen me do the dog watch for the last 2 night! Serica stood up well to the weather as we make slow progress towards the Azores. We got into the Gulf stream yesterday for 10 hours, increasing our boat speed by nearly 4knots. It’s hard to track the stream as it is constantly moving, we’ve decided its a bonus if we find it again, our course now is 76’ heading directly to the Azores.