Hard day/night.

Stevens marine services
Steven ginger
Thu 8 Jan 2015 19:24
First things first apologies for lack of communications, we have had satellite phone problems.

Good day to all. Hope all is well. Quite a hard couple of days and nights for us all of late. Big waves and big seas with lots of dark clouds. Not very inviting. We are making it through and miles are coming down. We had a top speed of 18.1 knots last night! Nick has been mauled by a flying fish while on the helm....pleased to report he is now out of sick bay....

Managed to get a couple hours in the sun today,not a lot as been moody looking for most of the time,air temp now more warmer.
Take care and see you all soon.

Best wishes from all of us on board.XX

The crew. Pride.

Steven Ginger

Stevens Marine Services

+44 7527 539 699 mobile
+1 312 841 3846 American cell
+1 773 844 8055 office cell
Steveextream {CHANGE TO AT} icloud {DOT} com
stevenginger {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} com