nice morning closer to Azores

Sun 12 May 2019 11:37
34.24 N 40.39 W
Gertha has displayed great skills, over a day of 30-35 knot up her bum, she
enyojed every minuit , at one point she was so excited she parked undrer the
biggest breaking wave in the nort5h atlantic and part filled the cockpit so we
could all have a swim, I personaly got a full force shower and the chance to fly
whilst holding the wheel.
Wind now is about 12 knots sw
Duogen has rewarded us , after half a day of repair , we have found she
works fine in wind and has matched consumption in strong winds. With the new
drive in Horta she should be back in water mode, our repair has created a
balance problem n shaft , all we need is a quick fit tyre place mid atlantic and
could solve problem.
Saw a bird , no idea what it was or is it long passage halucinations
setting in.
John the mad american continues to tern grean ( that could be a new bird
name); probability he will migrate in Azores for new horizons.
Paul remains the mature staying power in the rough weather, he now has the
helm and a contented look on his face.
Jan is a firm believer in simple cooking, or so he tells us.
Iphone and ipad both stopped charging the damp effects the terminals,
I am now having to read a book and may have to use a chart later in the
week. |