Thanks for helping to make the Indian crossing happen

S/V Galatea update
Neil Scott
Thu 17 Dec 2015 23:14
Hi all, Bailey and I bade farewell to Wally and Ben this afternoon as they left Simons Town to begin their trip home to California. As I mentioned in my earlier posting, Galatea's 2015 adventures have finally come to a close. After traveling many thousands of miles since departing Phuket, visiting eight countries and about ten months later, Galatea is safely berthed in the Simons Town marina. After visiting the other berthing options in the Cape Town area, it seems like we were lucky to hit on the best one, the False Bay Yacht Club and marina in Simons Town. A beautiful spot, nice old town with a lot of history and character, having been the chief base of the South African navy for many years. The trip could not have happened without the able assistance of Teague, Mike, Chris, Wally, Ben and Scott. Many thanks to you all for generously taking all those weeks from your busy schedules to come help crew on Galatea this past year. I truly value your friendship, advice and interest in Galatea's travels and hope we can have many more adventures together in the coming years. I know it wasn't always smooth sailing, but looking back, the good times far outweighed the tough ones. Thanks too to my sailing muse and future crew member, Jiamin, for the encouragement and direction she provided me over the course of the passage, especially during the tougher moments of equipment failure, slow progress and frustrating weather conditions. And finally, i would like to thank Julie and Bailey for their continued support of my Galatea journey, and our friends who have followed our travels with interest through the blog this past year. I plan to hold Galatea in Cape Town for the coming year and hopefully resume travels late 2016/early 2017. Bye for now, Neil - S/V Galatea (Due to limited satellite bandwidth, please delete any previous text in the string or compose a new message when replying) |