On board Freedom . Tuesday 6 June
Wed 7 Jun 2023 10:17
Stu and I were allocated the 2 am to 6 am watch & the day stared well. The sun slowly rose above the horizon and shortly afterwards we sailed within 100m of the majesty of the hump of a whale. Slightly later a pod of dolphins came to play on our bow. A perfect start to the day further enhanced by a bowl of granola and fresh fruit.
Chris & Stu have been reunited with their old pal Red Kite who they encourage to come out to play at every opportunity. Today was a good day for the 3 of them , with Red Kite entertaining the lads all day until the wind shifted to the East and it was time for their tea and a wash at 17.00 .
This evening we had our second pre prepared Cook meal , a vegetarian lasagna for 8 that just squeezed into our oven before exploding as the temperature increased. Once successfully rescued this was eaten on deck as we rattled along at 8 knots juggling side salads and fresh water from our new pal the water maker.
The day closed with an exhilarating sale off the coast of northern Spain in 20/22 knots of breeze as a dark night set in.
Ian Whit aboard Freedom
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