Monday 05.06.23

Mon 5 Jun 2023 19:28
News from the Team, Chris, Ian (Whit), Simon (brother Whit), Sam (son of Whit) and Stuart…
Made an excellent start from Plymouth and promptly got sailed over (before we reached the breakwater) by practically the whole fleet, as the wind filled in from the North East much for getting across the line first!
Sailed out into the Channel heading for the west of the ship separation zone off NW at the most northern western point of France. A fabulous days sail, clear blue skies, in 15/20 knts spinnaker up until nightfall. A full moon and clear starry night. 2 person night watches for the first night especially as Simon and Sam are unfamiliar with the boat ( Sams first time offshore and his first night sail), couldn’t have had better conditions.
Other than champagne sailing, thankfully, a fairly eventless first 24 hrs during which we covered c.150 miles. Stu a little sea sick (which he has not suffered before) but at least he was able to enjoy his evening meal twice (!)….and he is feeling better today. We have just crossed the continental shelf and are heading across the Bay of Biscay, we were visited by a large Pod of dolphin’s earlier, which is always a delight, they are such wonderfully playful creatures and they always lift the spirit…
Spinaker currently up heading straight for Cape Finistere (NW point of Spain), when we head south 70 or so miles to our destination in Bayona. The weather is forecast to change weds/Thursday and We are currently expecting fresh headwinds for the final leg so are trying to get there asap in the hope we can reduce the amount of beating into the wind. All happy on board as we settle into the voyage.
Love to all
The Crew of Freedom.

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