Almost on our way!

016:14.5W (Marina Santa Cruz, Tenerife) 2628nm to go 1300 GMT So
it's a damp grey day in Santa Cruz. Departure was delayed
yesterday as we had to go and pick up our sails rather than them
being delivered. That together with some confusion about the
new mainsail meant that frustratingly we couldn't get going last
night. The main will end up following us by plane.... We had
a great meal out last night - best in Santa Cruz so far. However,
we are almost on our way. We've settled up in the marina, Tony
is just checking us out of Spain and the plan is to get going in
the next hour. If the weather holds as forecast we expect to
head down towards Cape Verde (probably a bit East of the direct
route to pick up wind) and then see how soon we can turn towards
St Lucia. Fingers crossed! Ecover