Day 8 - Sunday roast!

ARC Crossing 2017
Sun 10 Dec 2017 18:12
Quiet day on Ecover today. We put the whisper pole up to hold the genoa out, and have been running dead downwind with the foresails out each side and the main up to the 3rd reef to reduce rolling / scoop air into the foresails. That has meant she almost sails herself, and dead downwind has been within 5 degrees of St Lucia all day. A little more wind / speed would be nice, but otherwise comfortable.
It being a quiet day, we watched two films (Interstellar and Master & Commander) and chilled out. We also saw our first other boat for about 4 days. No dolphins of course, as the effort to be able to take underwater footage has scared them away.
Otherwise, much dicsussion of food, and Arran is taking on a Sunday roast. Pork tonight, and I think a bottle of Ribera to mark a) Sunday and b) being almost half way. Arran has just told me that the recipe involves two cans of coke, so a little worried. Will report back tomorrow.
Overnight we overtook another boat, so are now last minus 1 in the ARC. Yeah!