
Saro's Gyda
Derrick Thorrington
Tue 26 Jun 2018 08:51
Ria de
After a good swim in
easonable weather we left La Coruna to make some westing for our (hopeful)
passage to the Azores, although it appeared that the weather wasn't looking too
helpful at this stage.
The weather was a
mixture of hot sun, cool clouds and showers.The scenery was again, glorious with
high wooded hills behind and a coastline rather like a rugged version of
Cornwall with may abrupt headlands and peninsulas, nearly all of which sported a
lighthouse. The smell of Eucalyptus ever present. We arrived at the entrance to
the Ria, giving a respectable distance to the jagged rocks guarding the
entrance. By this time the weather was grey but the rising crests of the waves
as they rose over the rocky reef were bright aqua blue. So much for the
artisitic advice that the sea is blue because it mirrors the sky! We anchored
off yet another huge white sandy beach, tucked in behind the breakwaer of Laxe,
a small fishing town.

Laxe from Saro's
We awoke to pouring
rain. This continued all day in various forms ranging from heavy downpours to
drizzle. We managed to go ashore for supplies and enjoyed a short amble around
the little town, trying out our Spanish in the butchers and bread van. We seemed
to come away with the right provisions and had fun in the trying, with many
helpful locals joining in the interpretation and giving us

Leaving Church. The
Spanish love their umbrellas!
Looking throught the
grib files for the Atlantic showed very little wind for the next week,
culminating in headwinds near the Azores. In order to arrive for the OCC rally,
we would have to motor virtually the whole way. A week of noisy engine and rolly
seas, and due to the predicted slowness of the passage, would probably not
arrive in time. We took a decision to explore the N coast of Spain instead as
neither of us fancied the aforementioned.
The rain continued
all night but by the morning the sun was shining. The clear waters and beach
beckoned. I had a super swim along the shoreline, counting the many crabs
sitting on the sand and waving their claws at me as I passed. On rteturning to
the boat, D suggested that I bail out the dinghy which was being held afloat by
its inflatable collar. It was very tempting so D handed me the shampoo and I had
a refreshing bath before bailing out.
Despite the decision
to cruise N Spain, we both quite fancied a look at the Ria behind Cape
Finisterre, so headed off further west as the wind looked promising for this