Lanzarote The Canaries Lanzarote 28.57.84N 13.32.30W
Lanzarote 23 October 2014 As one of the key countries for importing drugs into Europe, the custom officials were understandably pedantic in sorting out our papers. They had Rob taxiing from one office to another with our passports and various papers and duplicates, one hand not knowing what the other had done. However eventually the customs officers arrived at the marina, ticked the right boxes and at 6.00am and we were allowed to leave. Still dark, we motored out, scrutinising the immediate sea for unlit fishing boats and lines, with dawn eventually breaking gently over the mountains behind us. F2/3 and little swell meant that we initially motored but as the day progressed we were able to hoist the main and genoa though still kept the engine on to keep up the speed. Patches of agitated water and fins indicated a large pod of dolphins fishing around us . Eventually they came closer to the boat and danced around the bow. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a spray, then a large fin in the distance. Then in a very short space of time 3 pilot whales slipped under the stern of the boat where I was sitting. They shot past at some speed and came up a short time after far in the distance. I think there were a few more but they weren’t hanging around, but a great sight. On the night passage we were treated to sparkling phosphorescence as the boat cut through the water and shooting stars flashed in a tic across the moonless star studded sky. At last I was able to try the Secchi dish we had made. We slowed the boat down, I positioned myself with the sun behind me and sunglasses off, I duly lowered the disc, it immediatety shot away and the line unravelled quickly and floated just below the surface, still too much way on the boat. However it then began to gradually sink, the white disc getting a rich turquoise, the deeper it sunk. The 30m tape was simply not enough, the disc still twinkled up at us. Also the weight didn’t seem heavy enough to weigh it down vertically. So more amendments I think! I put the data on the phone App ready to send when we had wifi.
Strangetrader in Lanzarote marina the Secchi dish ready to go Dolphins