Unshackled from lockdown and back on the water

The adventures of Chili III
Peter & Belinda Vernon
Thu 16 Jul 2020 17:01
Now at anchor in Ares bay 5NM North of Sada where Chili III spent lockdown on the hard. Recommissioning this year took longer than usual (2 days) thanks to a failed seawater pump on the engine that took longer to repair than usual. But managed to have
couple of good dinners ashore in Sada including excellent seafood at Miramar. Lydia with us for the first time since Norway 4 years ago which is wonderful - great that the weather is so good albeit pretty windy. Last night news of Lydia’s 2:1 in Physics came
through which was just brilliant and made for a special celebration at Miramar.
Forecast for very strong North Easterlies fort the next few days so likely to stay in this area and enjoy good food, good beaches, kayaking and general relaxation!