Re Stocking the Fridge
14:21.73N 60:22.19W
Saturday 20th January 2013 Day 22
It is Day 22 at 2pm on Friday afternoon and we have less than 50 miles to go to Rodney Bay Marina and all is well. We will probably be there at between 11pm and midnight this evening. No exactly the ideal time to arrive as by the time we get tied up the pubs will be closed.
I have just spoken to the Marina on the sat phone who tell me that there won’t be anybody there at that time anyway and that we would be better off anchoring off until tomorrow morning. So that is what we shall be doing.
This has resulted in a new party strategy so Jane has swung into action and restocked the fridge. Nearly all the food has gone overboard and been replaced with booze. The pretend “sans alchole” beer has been replaced with real beer, two bottles of white wine and of course the gin and tonic are back where they belong .We had to search about a bit to find the ice tray which was not required for the last few weeks either. Fridge restocked, we are ready to celebrate.
In due course when the voyage is truly complete, we will review it and share our thought with those that may be interested. I am confident that all concerned will view it to have been a great success. For now just a few thoughts on what we have not seen.
We have not seen:
- Much high wind, it has rarely been more than 16 knots for more than half an hour.
- Any other people. How often in life do any of us only see three other people for three weeks?
- Many ships. A total of seven ships and until yesterday none for ten days.
- Birds, like the ships seven in three weeks. Usually at sea there are sea birds everywhere.
- Or heard a sound on the radio which is permanently on. Until this morning when we heard something in French from Martinique.
- Much rain. It has drizzled on us a couple of times.
- The news, we are completely in the dark about what is happening in the world except what you tell us. So we do know that it has been snowing in Maidstone.
Thanks again for your interest. Stay tuned.
Cheers ,
Tony , (Skipper)
- Me writing this blog
- A great picture of Capisce taken by Ian with his magic telephoto lens